About the Blog

Hi Travel Buddies or as I call my  guests as “Team!”.

Welcome to my Blog page~ It is always been my dream to write blogs or do vlogs and I am joyful that I achieved it today to share with you guys things that maybe you are interested in or you may experience when it comes to traveling.

I will share here some travel tips and my personal experience as a Travel Agent and a Traveler as well.

Hope you’ll enjoy and learn from my post and feel free to Ask, Share or Comment and I will do my best to respond and address your thoughts.

Enjoy reading!


Any Plans for 2022?

As the World is adopting and fighting this pandemic, how does it change your perspective when it comes to traveling. Are we ready for 2022 travel plans?

Why you should travel?

In this situation, no one to blame.   All of us who belong and live in the travel business are affected by this. But we are hopeful! We always see light in the darkness. Like the closure of Boracay back in 2018, let’s look at it as rehabilitation for World, maybe Earth needs a little break.

Till our next travel! Is it really possible to find The One during your travel? Maybe for some, but not for all. But I bet finding love during your travel will always be one of the best love story written.